Privacy policy

  •  This privacy policy (hereinafter - Privacy Policy) indicates what data we - Breolis UAB, legal entity code 302767024, registered office address: Meistrų st. 8, Vilnius, tel. No. +370 617 56272, e-mail e-mail address: (hereinafter - the Service Provider), we collect them on the website (hereinafter - the Website), for what purpose we collect them and how we use them.


    This Privacy Policy applies when you visit our website, register as a registered user, view and order the products we offer, contact us by phone or other communication channels or otherwise communicate with us.


    This Privacy Policy does not apply to information provided or collected by third parties. Where this Privacy Policy does not apply, before submitting your personal data, you should read the privacy policy and related terms posted on the relevant third-party website or application that you use or that applies to other services that you use.


    By registering or otherwise using the Website, you must confirm that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, we recommend that you do not use the website.


    1. What personal data do we collect about you?


    When you visit the website or the office address, contact us by e-mail. by mail or phone, we collect the following information:


    For registration purposes – Login name, password, e-mail e-mail address, other contact data, IP address, registration date. This personal data is processed in order to conclude and execute a contract (GDPR Article 6 d. 1 point b) and is stored for 5 (five) years from the last active actions performed by the person on the website (login, registration and/or other active actions) .


    For the purposes of concluding and executing the contract - name, surname, e-mail postal address, telephone number, product delivery address, product/service payment data (bank account number, payment method, etc.), purchase history (purchased goods, price, etc.), other information related to the conclusion and execution of the contract. These personal data are processed due to the need to fulfill your order and the contract for the purchase of goods concluded with you (GDPR Article 6 d. 1 b)), as well as to pursue the legitimate interests of the Service Provider or a third party (GDPR Article 6 d 1 f) ) point), and are stored for 10 (ten) years from your last purchase on our website and/or mobile application.


    In order to improve the quality of the service, to control it so that the information is provided in a qualified and prompt manner, you give us feedback, contact us for help or ask us questions, so we can collect your data such as: Your name, surname, e-mail e-mail address, telephone number, time of application, content of application, any other information that you decide to voluntarily share with the Service Provider: feedback, opinions, comments, evaluations, information provided in the documents you provide and other contact information in order to respond to your feedback , we would provide assistance or answer your questions. This includes records and copies of your correspondence with us (including email addresses and telephone numbers), if any. These personal data are processed for the legitimate interests of the Service Provider or a third party (GDPR Article 6 d. 1 point f)) and are stored for the entire period of communication and for 1 year after the end of communication.


    In order to ensure your ability to browse more comfortably on the website and mobile application, cookies are used - your browsing and behavior history, which is processed with your consent and stored for the period indicated below in the "Cookies" section.


    Your personal data is stored for as long as is necessary to fulfill the contract for the purchase of goods, but not less than that required by the legal acts governing our activities, including the GDPR (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL of April 27, 2016) on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter - GDPR). Your personal data, which are processed after you consent to such processing of personal data, are processed for the period specified in the Privacy Policy, but no longer than until the day of withdrawal of your consent (if such withdrawal is possible in accordance with the procedure established by law).

    2. Cookies

    The website and mobile application use cookies (small files saved on the hard drive of the website visitors' device) and other tracking technologies to distinguish you from other visitors to the website. The information collected by cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to ensure your ability to browse more comfortably.

    We use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze information flows, adapt services, content and advertising for specific purposes, evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, promote trust and ensure security.

    Cookie name Description
    Sends data such as visitor behavior and device to Google Analytics. It can track the visitor across all marketing channels and devices. This is a pixel tracking cookie whose activity lasts for the duration of the browsing session.
    _ga It records a certain ID used to obtain data about the user's use of the website. This is an HTTP cookie that expires after 2 years.
    _gid Stores a record of a unique ID, which is later used to obtain statistical data about the use of the site by visitors. This is a type of HTTP cookie and expires after a browsing session.
    _gat# Allows Google Analytics to adjust the frequency of requests. This is a type of HTTP cookie that lasts a session.

    We use "third-party cookies" on our website, which are cookies that are not controlled by us, such as Google Partners, Facebook, Google Analytics and others. We collect these cookies in order to obtain statistical information about the use of the website and for the purposes of online advertising based on your behavior.

    Nevertheless, if you do not agree to the use of cookies and/or wish to withdraw your consent, please inform us by email. to the email address 

    3. Direct marketing

    We do not process your data related to direct marketing.

    4. Children's personal data

    The services provided on the website are intended only for persons over 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, we advise you to consult your parents or guardians and obtain their consent before submitting your personal data to us. The data of minors can be provided to us only with the consent of their parents or guardians. If we have reasonable doubts that we are processing the data of persons who are younger than the age specified in this section, we will remove the data of these persons from the databases.

    5. Recipients of data

    We may disclose information about you if:

    is your consent to the disclosure of personal data;

    To service provider partners or trusted third parties that help us sell goods and/or provide services, such as customer service companies, shipping companies, financial institutions, etc. We will provide partners with only as much personal data as is necessary to provide a specific service;

    To our partners or trusted third parties who help us carry out our activities, such as auditors, lawyers, consultants, insurance companies, etc.;

    To state institutions and institutions, law enforcement institutions, courts, other persons performing the functions assigned by law, in accordance with the procedure provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. We provide these entities with mandatory information provided by law or specified by the entities themselves;

    For personal data processors engaged by the service provider (for example, companies providing IT, server services, website rental and administration, accounting companies, call service companies, analysis companies, companies providing advertising services, payment intermediaries, etc.). We require processors to store, process and treat personal data as responsibly as we do and only in accordance with our instructions;

    For debt collection companies to which claims for customer indebtedness are assigned, courts, non-judicial dispute resolution bodies and bankruptcy administrators

    In addition, we may disclose information about you:

    if we are required to do so by law;

    in order to defend our rights or interests (for example, including providing your data to third parties in order to collect your debts to us).

    Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, we do not provide your personal data to any third parties. 

    6. Security of your personal data

    Your personal data will be processed in accordance with GDPR and the requirements of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. When processing your personal data, we implement organizational and technical measures that ensure the protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, alteration, disclosure, as well as against any other illegal processing.

    Of course, data transmission over the Internet is inherently insecure, and we cannot guarantee completely secure data transmission over Internet networks.

    7. What are your rights?

    You have the right to:

    Know (be informed) about the processing of your personal data (right to know);

    Get to know your personal data and how they are processed (right to access);

    Demand correction or, taking into account the purposes of personal data processing, to supplement incomplete personal data (right to correction);

    Demand the destruction of your personal data to destroy or stop the processing of your personal data (except storage) (right to destruction and right to be forgotten);

    Demand that we restrict the processing of personal data for one of the legitimate reasons (right to restriction);

    Right to data portability (right to portability). This right will be exercised only if there are grounds for its implementation and adequate technical measures to ensure that the transfer of the requested personal data to the data of other persons will not cause a risk of security breach;

    Do not consent to the processing of your personal data, when we process personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Service Provider or a third party, if you object, we will be able to process your personal data further only for compelling legitimate reasons that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or to assert, enforce or defend legal claims;

    Do not consent to the processing of your personal data, when this data is processed or intended to be processed for the purposes of direct marketing, as far as it is related to such direct marketing.

    Submit a complaint to the Service Provider or the State Data Protection Inspectorate if you believe that your rights as a subject of personal data are and/or may be violated.

    The service provider may refuse to exercise your rights listed above, with the exception of objection to processing personal data for the purpose of direct marketing or in other cases where personal data is processed with your consent, when your request allows us not to comply with GDPR provisions, or when, in cases provided for by law, it is necessary to ensure crimes, prevention, investigation and detection of violations of official or professional ethics, as well as protection of the rights and freedoms of the data subject, the Service Provider and other persons. 

    8. Third Party Websites

    Our website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policy and its implementation on third-party websites.

    9. Liability

    You are responsible for the confidentiality of your password and user data and for any actions (data transfer, orders placed, etc.) that are performed after logging in to our website or Mobile Application using your login data. You may not disclose your password to third parties. If the services provided on our website are used by a third person who has logged in to the website using your login data, we consider that you have logged in. If you lose your login data, you must notify us immediately by mail, telephone, fax or e-mail.

    You are responsible for ensuring that the data you provide to us is accurate, correct and complete. If the data provided by you changes, you must immediately inform us about it by changing the relevant data in the registration form or, if the data is not specified in the registration form, by informing us about it by e-mail. In no case will we be responsible for any damage caused to you due to the fact that you have provided incorrect or incomplete personal data or have not informed us when they have changed.

    10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

    We may update or change this Privacy Policy at any time. Such updated or modified Privacy Policy will be effective upon its posting on our Website. If significant changes to the Privacy Policy are made, we will notify you on the Website. Nevertheless, you should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are satisfied with the current version of the Privacy Policy.


    You can submit requests related to your personal data in the following ways:

    Delivering directly to us at: Meištų g. 8, Vilnius (UAB "Breolis");

    email mail:

    Contact phone: +370 617 56272

    We will respond to received requests, complaints or demands in writing in accordance with the procedure and deadlines established by legal acts and we try to provide you with information as soon as possible, but no later than within 30 days of receiving your request or we will inform you why we refuse to fulfill them. If necessary, the specified period can be extended by another 2 months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. In this case, within 1 month from the day of receiving the request, we will inform you about such an extension.

    If, upon receiving a request, complaint or demand, we have suspicions about the identity of the applicant, we have the right to request the identity document of the applicant.

    If we are unable to provide you with the necessary information and/or you have a claim regarding the way your personal data is processed, you have the right to contact the State Data Protection Inspectorate by filing a complaint, and you can find its contact details on the inspectorate's website


    The Privacy Policy was last updated: 2021. January 11